Saturday 30 July 2011

My love,my life

My love,my life

Today I was beliving that we can find the way out of ours pain,wounds,sorrow..even regrets.
It does tearing me apart knowing that You chose not to forget.I din t need Your forgiveness in words..
Why can't You open Your beutiful Heart once more to love beyond the pain and sorrow?
Why my love?
I did gave You life time promise that I shall never take it back.
All our sollitude are just our weakness.
We need to be angels to each other,to give each other consolation,compassion and strenght.Don't You see my love?
Theere is a inner twilight zone in our hearts that we ourselfs can not see.Even when we know a lot about ours gifts and weaknesses,our aspirations and ambitions,our motives..large part of ourselfs remain in the shadow of consciousness.So,we will always remain partialy hidden to ourselfs.
People who love us,can often see clearly our twilight zones better than we can.The way we are seen and understood my loved ones is different from the way we see and understand ourselfs.
We will never fully know the significanse of our present in the lifes of our friends and love ones.
That's amezing grace,a grace that calls us not only to be humility,more compassion,but to a deep trust in thoese who love us.
Somewhere I do know that without silence words loose theire meaning,that without listening spearkling no longer heals and that without distance closeness can not we'll be cure.
My great hope is to laugh with You once more.
Wish You silent night.God bless You!

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