Friday, 17 August 2012

Love wins my friends!!

Four Reasons for Optimism in the Wake of Tragedy—Insights from a Sikh and a Unitarian Minister | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

4. Love wins.


Bandana Kaur is a graduate of Yale University, a Sikh ecologist, and writer. She is currently program manager for EcoSikh, a Sikh initiative for the earth, working in the Punjab region of South Asia and beyond. 

: In times like this, I remember that the quintessence of Sikhism is to love: to be love-inspired and love-driven. A dear friend of mine recently shared an experience that moved her during bhog (the service) honoring the deceased in Oak Creek. The musician, or raagi, leading the sangat (congregation) during the remembrance event, had also been present at the temple during the shootings. As the raagi began to sing, my friend could tell that there was a sadness in his voice. Despite the sorrow, he paused to share words of blessing, asking the Divine to take good care of Wade Michael Page in hope that Page has found peace within himself. My friend simply bowed her head in awe of the love shared.


One amazing article published in Religion Dispatches called:

Four Reasons for Optimism in the Wake of Tragedy—Insights from a Sikh and a Unitarian Minister

Why did I reblog this article my friends?Because I wanted to share one beautiful and amazing sentence written by Miss.Bandana Kaur:

" .... quintessence of Sikhism is to love: to be love-inspired and love-driven."

         We should all remember this one:to be Love inspired and to be love driven!!

May God,Creator of the Universe and all living souls,

be merciful to all these victoms in that horible tragedy but also to Wade Micheal Page. 

That I pray in the name of Jesus Chist.Amen.Child's prayer


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