Saturday, 23 July 2011

Beutiful She

From this moment on...
I am lost in this world where I do not belong.
I never did,ectually  belong anywhere.
My home was allways somewere in the Heaven.
I was a dreamer whole my life.
My song was "Fly,fly,litlle one.."
I thought that I was a bird with broken wings so
I had never belong heart belongs to Sky.
I am Sappho with broken heart.
For a moment I was happy I dreamed the most beutiful dream
Were You were my Lady.
I felt young,happy,in love
I belived in each and every word You said to me.
I even planned the most incredible plans
Crossing the Ocean was just one litlle part of my plan.
Other was to ask You to merry me.
I wake up.
Time to close the my heart.
Time to fly away.
Time for going home.
Wish me,bon voayagge.
 My love,

That was song I shall allways ( para siempre ) keep in my heart.
Shania Twain
"From this moment on"

(I do swear that I ll allways be there.
I d give anything and everything and I will allways care.
Throught weakness and strength,happiness and sorrow,for better and worce,
I will love You with every beat of my heart. )

From this moment life has begun
From this moment You are the one
Right beside You is were I belong
From this moment on.
From this moment I have been blessed
I live only for Your happiness
And for Your love I d give my last breath
From this moment on.
I give my hand to You with all my heart
Can t wait to live my life with You,can t wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of You.
From this moment as long as I live
I will love You,I promiss You this
There s nothing I wouldn t give
From this moment on.
All we need is just two of us
My dreams come true because of You.
From this moment as long as I live
I will love You.I promise You this
There s nothing I wouldn t give
From this moment
I will love You as long as I live
From this moment on.

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Thursday, 21 July 2011

Mala godišnjica

Danas je naša mala godišnjica.
Kao i uvijek nedostaješ mi.Pokušavam promijeniti sebe da bih postala dostojna Tebe.Svaka Tvoja riječ u meni živi neki svoj posebni život..nastavljajući tamo gdje si Ti stala.
Sanjam da si moja i da sve riječi izrečene imaju neko  posebno značenje.Osjećam da sam pogriješila i da nikada više neću moći vratiti ono vrijeme koje nas je oplemenilo,obogatilo,promijenilo.
Nosim svoje srce na dlanu pružajući Ti ga..više me ne trebaš,znam to,sada je to samo neka bivša priča nikada dokraja ispričana.
Happy aniversary mi amor,yo te quierro para siempre!