Saturday, 3 March 2012

Strawberry Panic episode 1

Strawberry Panic episode 1

11 January 1845. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett to Browning, Robert. :: The Browning Letters

11 January 1845. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett to Browning, Robert. :: The Browning Letters

Jan 11. 1845-  I thank you, dear Mr Browning, from the bottom of my heart. You meant to give me pleasure by your letter-and even if the object had not been answered, I ought still to thank you. But it is thoroughly answered. Such a letter from such a hand! Sympathy is dear-very dear to me: but the sympathy of a poet & of such a poet, is the quintessence of sympathy to me! Will you take back my gratitude for it?-agreeing too that, of all the commerce done in the world, from Tyre to Carthage..

27 February 1845. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett to Browning, Robert. :: The Browning Letters

27 February 1845. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett to Browning, Robert. :: The Browning Letters

50 Wimpole Street  Feb. 27. 1845.  Yes, but, dear Mr Browning, I want the spring according to the new ‘style’ (mine) & not the old one of you & the rest of the poets. To me unhappily, the snowdrop is much the same as the snow-it feels as cold underfoot: and I have grown sceptical about “the voice of the turtle,” the east winds blow so loud. April is a Parthian with a dart-& May (at least the early part of it) a spy in the camp- That is my idea of what you call spring,-mine, in the new style! A little later comes my spring,-and indeed after such severe weather, from which I have just escaped with my life, I may thank it for coming at all. How happy you are, to be able to listen to the “birds,” without the commentary of the east wind; which, like other commentaries, spoils the music. And how happy I am to listen to you; when you write such kind openhearted letters to me!- I am delighted to hear all you say to me of yourself.....

Friday, 2 March 2012

Song From A Secret Garden - Violin & Piano

Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understand" --Native American Proverb
Stay involved in your pursuit of the light oh seekers, so that one day, you'll understand. Toss into the fire of devotion every doubt, fear, lazy habit and betrayal that has been your excuse to avert your eyes from the grace you have been given permission to embrace.

This was written by unknown friend jzanoni on You Tube.Thank You

a moment in heaven

Song From A Secret Garden - Violin & Piano


Richard Clayderman - Ballade pour Adeline HD + images flowes

o nama — B.a.B.e.

o nama — B.a.B.e.

Domestic violence information « Hot Peach Pages International

Domestic violence information « Hot Peach Pages International

International Sexual Assault Resources | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

International Sexual Assault Resources | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

Help a Loved One | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

Help a Loved One | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Selected Love Letters to Fanny Brawne- - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More

Selected Love Letters to Fanny Brawne- - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More

Postmark: Newport, July 3, 1819

Shanklin, Isle of Wight, Thursday

My dearest Lady — I am glad I had not an opportunity of sending off a Letter which I wrote for you on Tuesday night—'twas too much like one out of Rousseau's Heloise. I am more reasonable this morning. The morning is the only proper time for me to write to a beautiful Girl whom I love so much: for at night, when the lonely day has closed, and the lonely, silent, unmusical Chamber is waiting to receive me as into a Sepulchre, then believe me my passion gets entirely the sway, then I would not have you see those Rhapsodies which I once thought it impossible I should ever give way to, and which I have often laughed at in another, for fear you should [think me] either too unhappy or perhaps a little mad.

by Keats

SAPPHO ~ Venus of Lesbos - Tina Louise ◊ Kerwin Mathews - FULL MOVIE

Women - 2000 - ep 2 ITA - Michelle Williams Chloe Sevigny

You and I

Who are You?

I am the soul in all.
And You?
You are all I need.

The meaning of Love

Gift to You
