Saturday, 7 July 2012
Two wolves
Two Wolves
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, The battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all.
One is Evil.
It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment Inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.
The other is Good.
It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
This is a story I have read in one amazing place.
Place where people love each other.
Place where people cherish each others gifts givenn by God.
Place where I feel happy.
There is a beloved child of God called Robin.
That child gave us this story.
Read my friends and be blessed!
Friday, 6 July 2012
The most important things in life
24 Things to Always Remember |
24 Things to Always Remember. . . and One Thing to Never Forget
your presence is a present to the world.
You’re unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Take the days just one at a time.
Count your blessings, not your troubles.
You’ll make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.
Don’t put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach for your peak, your goal, and your prize.
Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets.
Don’t take things too seriously.
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
Remember that a little love goes a long way.
Remember that a lot . . . goes forever.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
Life’s treasures are people . . . together.
Realize that it’s never too late.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
Have heath and hope and happiness.
Take the time to wish upon a star.
And don’t ever forget . . .
For even a day . . .
How very special you are.
Letter from the smalest rainbow fish to Lord
Better Heresy of Doctrine Than Heresy of Heart
By Rev. Candace Chellew-Hodge from Gentle Spirit Christian Church
"Better heresy of doctrine than heresy of heart". -- John Greenleaf Whittier
Thomas Carlyle said, "A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge."
On this point I believe Jesus and Carlyle are in agreement. Jesus told his disciples that "what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart." If our hearts are not loving, if we are not following the path of love that our hearts desire, then the utterances of our mouth will be nothing but pure evil, pure hate, pure deceit. When we cultivate a loving heart we find knowledge -- not just knowledge of the world but, more importantly, knowledge of ourselves.
I had a revelation of this fact about a year ago as I was lying, quite naked and vulnerable, on a massage therapist's table. The therapist was massaging an area of my upper chest when she remarked about how tight I was in that region. She then explained to me the concept in Chinese medicine that the body is divided into seven chakras or power points. The point she was massaging is called the Heart Chakra. Since it was tight she said, "That means you're not following your heart." I immediately burst into tears. Those simple words, said in passing by my massage therapist, hit home with me. It made me realize that more than anything else I need to honor what's in my heart. I cannot live in any way that is contrary to what I know in my heart to be God's will for my life.
John Greenleaf Whittier gives us the title of this sermon. "Better heresy of doctrine than heresy of heart."
Each of us here tonight knows this saying to be true. Each of us, because we are sitting in a church as openly GLBT people, alongside our straight allies, knows that we are doctrinal heretics. But we also know that being doctrinal heretics is better than hiding, denying our true selves, and living a lie that doctrine would have us to live. We've heard all the doctrines before. There are doctrines that tell us we are "intrinsically disordered." There are doctrines that tell us we are "abominations." There are doctrines telling us we are unloved by God unless we change our sexuality. All these doctrines are a heresy of our hearts, because, in our hearts we know better.
We know the doctrines are wrong. In our hearts, we know there is no disorder in our sexuality. In our hearts, we know we are blessings to God. In our hearts, we know God loves us no matter what. To choose heresy of doctrine over heresy of heart is what we do when we realize that we are God's children, beloved and blessed, just as we are as GLBT people ä no matter what the doctrines might say to the contrary. Just as we have so honestly rejected doctrine in the face of our God-given and God-blessed sexuality, so should we also be honest about other doctrines that do not speak to our heart.
Don't be afraid to examine your faith or your beliefs.
If doctrines do not speak to your heart, do not hesitate to discard them.
Doctrines were developed centuries ago to assist people in learning more about God and how to worship God. Just because doctrines are old does not make them true for all eternity. If doctrines of yesterday cause your heart to stumble today take Whittier's advice and commit a heresy of doctrine before you commit a heresy of heart.
But, maybe that begs the question how do we know what is in our hearts?
How do we cultivate that heart of love that will express itself in the words that we speak?
How do we discover what path our hearts should tread?
Buddhist monk, Jack Kornfield, in his book "A Path with Heart" gives us a starting place in answering that question. Above all, he advises, any path we choose should "have heart."
Think deeply about the path your life is on right now.
Is it a path that fills your heart with joy and anticipation of each new day?
Or is it a path that fills your heart with dread as each new day begins? If your heart feels heavy as you go through each day ä then the path you've chosen isn't one with heart. My massage therapist would probably find your heart chakra very tight.
Jesus tells us that where our treasure is, there will our hearts be also.
That sounds wonderful, but there's a warning there, too. Think carefully. What do you treasure? Do you treasure your partner, your job, your house, your car ä money? Wherever our treasure is our hearts will be there. But are we treasuring the right things? If we treasure relationships over God, or money over God, or any material thing over God, our hearts are treasuring the wrong things.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37 that we must "love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment."
Listen to that verse carefully. We're told that we must love God not only with our minds and our souls but also with our hearts! If our treasure is God there will our hearts be also.
This is the key to finding that path with heart. First we must discover what it is our heart treasures. If our heart treasures anything above God then we are in danger of being on a path without heart. The path worth pursuing is a path with heart. A path with heart has God as its center as its ultimate treasure where our hearts "sanctify Christ as Lord."
Don't worry that your path may seem very different from someone else's path. We are not all called to walk the same path. Even if we all keep God as the center of that path, our paths may look very different, even contradictory to someone else's path. That doesn't matter let no one tell you you're on the wrong path if you know in your heart that you are where God has led you to be! No one can map out your path but you and God.
If your heart treasures God above all else then your path will be made clear. So we must then begin a process of letting go. This is our first step on our spiritual path. We must let go of false treasures. Let go of our heart's desire for relationships, money, cars, houses and jobs. I say this is a process ä and often it is a long process a daily process of reorienting ourselves to God.
But we must dedicate ourselves to walking this path with heart. It's difficult in our busy lives to even think about beginning a process of letting go.
With so many activities filling our daily calendars, how can we even think of letting go of the material stuff that consumes us? How do we find the time in our busyness to stop and consider whether we're even on the right path to begin with? And do we really want to let go at all? Isn't it, after all, the things around us that make us important, that fill us with a sense of self? Yes, often it is the things around us that make us important, but that's the point it shouldn't be like that.
What makes us important is our heart and what it treasures. If it treasures things, our spiritual path is empty, heartless. If it treasures God above everything, then and only then, can our paths full of heart. I have very recently begun the practice of meditation.
I am still a novice at this practice easily distracted by the daily chores of living but so far it's been interesting to spend 10 or 20 minutes each morning simply sitting and breathing ä realizing the fullness of life and contemplating my heart and its path. Finding time to be still in our busy lives is important if we are to truly locate that path that our heart longs to be on. Many may feel that even taking the time to do so is a waste of time time that could be spent doing something more outwardly productive.
Maybe but I've found that those outwardly productive things still get done even if I spend time in meditation.
As the old saying goes, rarely do people come to the end of their lives and wish they had spent more time at work. Instead, we tend to ask -- Did we live well?
Did we spend enough time with our friends and family?
Did we love well?
Our spiritual practice our goal of finding that path with a heart begins when we stop to take inventory of how precious our lives are, and whether we're spending our time wisely.
Kornfield recommends a simple meditation for this that I'd like us all to take a minute to do. If we want to discover how to live well, we must reflect on our lives.
I'd like everyone to close their eyes and just reflect on this moment in their lives and then think back. Cast your memory back across your whole life and bring to mind two good deeds that you have done, two things that you did that were good. They need not be grandiose; let whatever wants to arise show itself. In picturing and remembering these good deeds, also become aware of how these memories affect your consciousness, how they transfo rm the feelings and state of the heart and mind, as you see them.
"In Buddhist practice, one is urged to consider how to live well by reflecting on one's death. The traditional meditation for this purpose is to sit quietly and sense the tentativeness of life.
After reading this paragraph, close your eyes and feel the mortality of this human body that you have been given.
Death is certain for all of us -- only the time of death is yet to be discovered. Imagine yourself to be at the end of your life -- next week or next year or next decade, some time in the future. Now cast your memory back across your whole life and bring to mind two good deeds that you have done, two things that you did that were good. They need not be grandiose; let whatever wants to arise show itself. In picturing and remembering these good deeds, also become aware of how these memories affect your consciousness, how they transform the feelings and state of the heart and mind, as you see them." Let's take some time now to do this meditation.
I'll admit this exercise was rather hard for me when I first read it. Of course, Whosoever immediately comes to mind. The magazine, by all accounts, has been a good deed and has helped hundreds of people that I know about and probably thousands that I don't know about. But, my other good deed that came to mind was very small ä it was the times I have lent money to friends in need without the expectation of ever having it paid back. In truth, I've been paid back many times over by God's blessings on my life. The money isn't important.
What were some of your deeds that arose?
Would anyone like to quickly share just some of their thoughts?
Just tell us a phrase that came to mind like mine would be "loaning money."
What this meditation shows us, Kornfield says is that, "the things that matter most in our lives are not fantastic or grand.
They are the moments when we touch one another, when we are there in the most attentive or caring way.
These moments of touching and being touched can become a foundation for a path with heart " When we do these good deeds when we reach out to those around us without thought for our own good, our own comfort these are the moments when we have made God our treasure.
These are the moments in which we have loved God with our hearts, not just our minds and our souls.
These are the moments we should meditate on the moments we should seek to multiply as we continue on our spiritual journey.
You will find this spiritual path difficult because along the way there will be so many people who will try to dissuade you from following this path.
More often than not I've found such people to be those of a more right-wing thinking who believe there is only one path that the heart must tread theirs of course. A path that strictly adheres to doctrines, no matter what the heart may say.
Those on the religious right tell us that by following our hearts we will end up in hell sentenced to eternal damnation.
They've made up doctrines saying it's so! They've convinced a good many [too many!] of our GLBT brothers and sisters that it's true! They've held many of our brothers and sisters hostage with outdated doctrines and dogma. They've made these people so afraid of God's wrath that they willingly commit heresy of heart to avoid any appearance of heresy of doctrine.
We in the GLBT community are not innocent of these charges either.
Even within many GLBT congregations, doctrines can become so strong that people will commit heresy of heart easily before they'll go against any doctrine the church or congregation teaches. But, it is our hearts that God desires not our adherence to doctrines!
The Psalmist invites God to "search me and know my heart."
God knows our hearts God knows our paths [And, remember, not all of our paths are the same.
We must respect each other's path for if it is a path with heart, they all lead to God.] Since God knows our hearts and our paths then we cannot find a place where God is not.
We can run from the path with heart we can choose a life of trying to hide from God or we can stop now, and listen to what our hearts are telling us.
Our hearts long for God ä for that path where God walks with us. Let no one tell you that you have no right to walk that path as the person you are.
God knows your heart!
God knows your path!
If a doctrine of the church or a doctrine of society stands between you and your heart's path, remember "better heresy of doctrine than heresy of heart."
If we'd take a few moments each day to ponder the magnificent blessings in our lives that we take for granted, we'd never be unhappy.Lord,I thank Thee on all Your blessings You gave me and still giving me in this amazing life.Thank You for all my familly,my friends and to all persons I finally met on my life path.
Thank You Lord on being Your beloved and blessed child!
Thank You for a gift of ilness!
Thank You for becoming homeless because I fould home in Your wounded Sc.Heart!
Thank You for keeping me safe on Your hand!
Thank You for gurding upon me spirit and soul!
Thank You for showing me the way home into Your arms!
Thank You Lord for all Your angels and saints!
Your smalest rainbow fish
Let There be Peace on Earth - Sing Along - YouTube
Let there be peace on earth,
and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on Earth,
the peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father, brothers all are we,
Let me walk with my brother, in perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now.
With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow,
To take each moment and live each moment in peace, eternally.
Let there be Peace on Earth,
and let it begin with me.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Prayers for Celebrating the Fourth of July
Independence Day Prayers - Prayers for Celebrating the Fourth of July
Dear Lord,
There is no greater feeling of liberation than to experience this freedom from sin and death that you have provided for me through Jesus Christ.
Today my heart and my soul are free to praise you. For this I am very thankful.
On this Independence Day I am reminded of all those who have sacrificed for my freedom, following the example of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Let me not take my freedom, both physical and spiritual, for granted.
May I always remember that my freedom was purchases with a very high price.
My freedom cost others their very lives.
Lord, today, bless those who have served and continue to give their lives for my freedom.
With favor and bounty meet their needs and watch over their families.
Help me to live my life in a way that glorifies you, Lord.
Give me the strength to be a blessing in someone else's life today, and grant me the opportunity to lead others into the freedom that can be found in knowing Christ.
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Javni odgovor !
Odgovor na paradu - ISKORAK IZ HOMOSEKSUALNOSTI - YouTube
Odgovor na paradu - ISKORAK IZ HOMOSEKSUALNOSTI - YouTube
Published on Jun 9, 2012 by BoljiSvijet ODGOVOR NA PARADU - ISKORAK IZ HOMOSEKSUALNOSTI Svatko od nas poznaje nekoga tko je homoseksualne orijentacije - člana obitelji, prijatelja, susjeda ili suradnika. Knjiga Iskorak iz homoseksualnosti rasvjetljuje temu koja je dugo bila neshvaćena. Bavi se uzrocima osjećaja privlačnosti prema osobama istoga spola i načinom na koji homoseksualna osoba može postati heteroseksualna. Donosi svjedočanstva osoba koje su se uspješno promijenile, plijeni pozornost, prosvjetljuje i mnogima je uslišanje njihove molitve. Iako bi mogla izazvati kontroverze, njezina je namjera izlječenje mnogih - voljenih osoba... ili možda vas! Richard Cohen, bivši homoseksualac, a sada oženjen i otac troje djece, dugo se borio s neželjenim osjećajem privlačnosti prema osobama istoga spola. Očajnički je pokušavao pronaći stručnjake koji bi razumjeli njegovo stanje i pomogli mu pronaći svoj pravi rodni identitet. Bilo je „vrlo teško objasniti samoga sebe terapeutima koji me uopće nisu shvaćali". Naposljetku je postao psihoterapeut te je osmislio potpuno nov način razumijevanja osjećaja privlačnosti prema osobama istoga spola i sveobuhvatan plan izlječenja homoseksualnosti. Knjiga Iskorak iz homoseksualnosti donosi temeljit prikaz autorova osobnog putovanja iz homoseksualnosti u heteroseksualnost i njegovih iskustava u pomaganju tisućama muškaraca i žena da steknu svoj pravi rodni identitet. Nema grijeha kojega Isus Krist ne može oprostiti, nema rane koju ne može iscjeliti, nema osobe koju ne može spasiti ukoliko odluči iskreno, otovriti svoje srce i ukoliko zavapi sa obraćenjem, za istinskom ljubavi i čistoćom srca. Isus sve čini novim, svemu daje život sve posvećuje tako i od homoseksualca može učini novog čovjeka, svetca, kao što je od Marije Magdalene koja je bila bludnica, prostitutka učinio veliku sveticu, novu osobu :-) Sve više osoba homoseksulanih sklonosti svjedoči o susretu sa Kristom koji ih je učinio novima te ga te osobe radosno svjedoče i donose drugima. Svjedočimo Kristovu ljubav svim grešnicima, pozivajmo ih na obraćenje. Molimo da obraćenih osoba bude sve više :-) Ne sudimo ljude nego grijeh te svojim životom svjedočimo za ISTINU :-) Gdje se umnožio grijeh, nadmoćno izobilova milost (Rim 5,20) Svako dobro i Božji blagoslov :-) fr Ivan
Chasing the Devil - International Healing Foundation - YouTube
Richard A. Cohen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Biography Cohen has described a troublesome childhood and abusive home life that he purports to be the cause of his homosexuality later in life. While attending Boston University he became an evangelical Christian and later joined the Unification Church, where he said, he remained celibate for long periods.[1] The Unification Church rejects homosexual behavior.[7] In 1982 Cohen married Jae Sook, a South Korean woman suggested to him by church leader Sun Myung Moon. Cohen says that during the first three years of his marriage he spent time "running around" with a boyfriend in New York.[1][8] Cohen describes this time as a period of turmoil that led him to pursue healing from his past.[9] [edit]Education Cohen received a counseling psychology master's degree from Antioch University.[1] [edit]Career [edit]International Healing Foundation According to Cohen he works under the auspices of the International Healing Foundation, a nonprofit and tax-exempt organization founded by him in 1990 to treat same-sex attraction.[1] He is not licensed as a therapist. Cohen avoids state licensing requirements by asking for donations to his foundation instead of payment.[1] [edit]Expulsion from the ACA In 2002 Cohen was permanently expelled from the American Counseling Association, after it accused him of six violations of its ethics code, which bars members from actions which "seek to meet their personal needs at the expense of clients, those that exploit the trust and dependency of clients, and for soliciting testimonials or promoting products in a deceptive manner."[1][10] Cohen stated the expulsion was for his efforts in the ex-gay movement, specifically for the book Coming Out Straight, and for one complaint. He did not appeal, and joined others in calling the ACA "a biased organization"[11] and "gay-affirming club".[1] After his expulsion, Cohen is not currently certified or licensed to be a clinician or psychotherapist.[12] [edit]Media appearances Cohen later advanced his theories on Penn and Teller's show Bullshit![13] and on Paula Zahn's CNN program.[14] Cohen was then interviewed by Jason Jones on the March 19, 2007 episode of The Daily Show.[15] Cohen was on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on June 28, 2006,[16] and was interviewed on The Rachel Maddow Show on December 8, 2009,[17] and The Michelangelo Signorile Show on April 17, 2010 on the Sirius radio network. [edit]Theories regarding sexual orientation Cohen claims that repeated molestation by a male relative while he was a child caused him to identify as a homosexual as a result of learned behavior. He says that dealing with the psychological damage that resulted from the molestation allowed him to revert to his "natural heterosexuality." He believes that all homosexuals are actually heterosexuals who can find peace and self esteem through healing and restoration of their natural heterosexuality. Cohen's 2001 book Coming Out Straight calls homosexuality a "same-sex attachment disorder" and details his methods of sexual reorientation therapy, including his theory of the causes of same-sex attraction (among them, divorce, death of a loved one, and race[18]), his methods of changing sexual orientation, and stories of people who have undergone his therapies. Cohen describes the "hidden meanings" of same-sex attraction as: need for same-sex parent's love need for gender identification fear of intimacy with the opposite sex[19] Though Cohen believes that one of the causes of homosexuality in men is the lack of bonding with the male parent, he does not believe that the cause of heterosexuality in males is due to the lack of bonding with the female parent, rather that heterosexuality is the "natural" condition of all people. Cohen uses a technique called bioenergetics.[1] Cohen also uses holding therapy, which involves physical touch and repeating affirming words to attempt to establish healthy, non-sexual bonding that may have been absent during childhood.[20] In Cohen's Counselor training program manual he states that only opposite-sex attracted mentors or same-gender parents should give holding therapy, and quoting from his 2000 book Coming Out Straight that the mentor should not be the same person as the therapist.[21] Cohen has said, "If someone wants to live a gay life, that needs to be respected. If someone wants to change and come out straight, that too needs to be respected. Let us practice true tolerance, real diversity, and equality for all."[2] [edit]Books written Cohen, Richard A; Elizabeth Sherman. Alfie's Home (1993) ISBN 0-9637058-0-6, self-published.[22] Cohen, Richard A; Laura Schlessinger. Coming Out Straight (2000) ISBN 1-886939-41-1, Oakhill Press, equity publisher.[23] Cohen, Richard. Gay Children, Straight Parents: A Plan for Family Healing (2007) ISBN 978-0-8308-3437-2, Inter-Varsity Press.[24]
A Conversion Therapist's Unusual Odyssey
By Sandra G. Boodman Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, August 16, 2005
"I'm a heterosexual and I want to give somebody hope. I want to say, 'I did it, you can do it, too,' " said Richard A. Cohen, one of the best-known reparative therapists, who practices out of a book-lined office in his home in a modest Bowie neighborhood. Cohen, 52, identifies himself as a former homosexual. He lectures widely, has written three books and serves as president of Parents, Families and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX). Articulate and engaging, Cohen has the sinewy build and erect carriage of the dancer he once was. He has been married for nearly 23 years -- an arranged marriage that he said was suggested by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon when he and his wife were members of the Unification Church, to which they belonged for 20 years. The couple has three children, two of them students at the University of Pennsylvania, and a happy marriage that Cohen said belies their turbulent early years. He has been exclusively heterosexual since 1987, he said, and no longer feels attracted to men, only to women. "I have a sense of great inner peace about who I am," something Cohen said he is trying to help others achieve.
Dakle,ovo je samo dio podataka o "famoznom R.Cohenu".....Ne mogu vjerovati da je to autor kojega preporučava Crkva.Pa ljudi Vi bi i sa samim vragom paktirali samo da navučete naivne lakovjerne ljude na konverzije??!
Ja s ponosom govorim da vjerujem u Isusa Krista.On nikada nije pozivao na mržnju i netoleranciju.Umorna sam ljudi od Vas.Ima nas na svijetu koji čitamo Sv.Pismo,koji vjerujemo u Boga,koji smo homoseksualci ali i koji imamo čisto srce i britak um.
Neka Vam se smiluje Onaj koji je za mene umro!
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