Thursday, 22 March 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

Your link text here.

Yesterday my friend Srijana from very special blog nominated my blog with this very presious  award.I was left speachless.I am honored my friend..I need time..I write so litlle here,I adore to post all the wonderful posts from my unknown friends whole over the world.

Gmail - versatile blogger award -

"Dear , I am happy to award you The Versatile Blogger Award. It is a recognition for your writing. It is greatly appreciated within the blogging community. Please visit to collect the logo and follow the instructions. You can then place the logo onto your website to show that someone appreciated your all the work that you do and your wonderful ideas. I just hope you have as much fun with this as I did! "
My dear Srijana,thank You!
Now I have to tell You seven things about me.Hmm,it is not so easy to do so.But I will try to make it done.
1.First of all,I am amazed by Lord's Love towards me.I love Him too.
2.I adore to write,I was writing since I learned how to write at the age of five.
3.I love langguages,ancient specially,greek and latin.
4.My old love is for classical music and ballet.I find playing piano very calming 
5.I like to travel.So far I visited many countries during my life time,specially during my work as a journalst.
6.Mostly I am spending time reading.
7.I was abused at the age of twelve and it made my life rather difficult.I was in abusive mariagge for 18 years.But I did never regret,I have  seven children,two are now in Heaven.
According the rules I need to pass award to others,so please be gentle with me,I am not so familiar with posting..
My friends,please be pacient with me,after two strokes I have litlle problem writing now.I will send all of You litlle masagges to inform You that I did nominated You as a Versatile Blogger Award.Be blessed and be kind to each other.This is the only time You have in this world.
Love You all!
milena :)

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