Tuesday 6 September 2011

To my Visitor from USA

Good evening to You my loyal Visitor,or should I call You a friend?!
But You are not my friend,You are coming regulary each minute I post anything here..not because You like me.I can feel people,I could always know why any of You came.I do not have friends,I have guests..I did never understood how and why did You choose to leave without words.You are brave woman coming here where my heart is open.What do You want to see?My pain?Must be,because You was not coming when I was happy.Well,it makes me,no,You make me feel partially bad just by being here.I would like to,but I do not want anything especially not from You.You show each time who You really are.Only wolfs came here and watch my sorrow.Are You happy now,are You satisfied?You have to be,You winn.You are the winner.God bless You no matter,be happy my friend.

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