Tuesday 24 July 2012

Prayer for the community of Aurora, Colorado

Prayer for the community of Aurora, Colorado following Movie Massacre. | InspirationalArchive.com

Lord we reach out to you today to ask you to be with our brothers and sisters in Aurora, Colorado.  

That community has been shaken by an event that is as inexplicable as it is catastrophic.  The hearts of the injured and the bereaved cry out for a reason why they have been so cruelly victimized. Lord, only you know the reason for the evil in the hearts of men and only you can make good come for every individual from every situation no matter how terrible it may be.  We ask you, Lord, to untangle the strings of human pain and error and use them to weave your tapestry of untold blessings for the many people affected by the movie massacre.   While they are now in pain and disbelief, lead them Lord to your peace that passes understanding. Bless all those who left us in this tragedy and bless all those who were injured. Bless their families and all others around them who have suffered and will suffer from this event. Be with the people who were working at the movie theater at the time this crime took place and with the policemen who responded to the horrific crime scene. Lord we also pray for the perpetrator of this crime. Whether he was intentionally evil, given over to insanity or the host of evil spirits, he was and remains your child. If it be part of your plan, lead him to an acceptance of you so that the ruin he has made of his life in the here and now will not continue into everlasting damnation.
We ask all this in the name of your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

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